How to Write a Good AdPlace a FREE personal ad the The Singles Club online dating agency The more details you give about yourself, the more replies you will get! The person reading your ad may want to know:- 1) How would you describe yourself? what colour is your hair and eyes? Are you extrovert, happy-go-lucky, quiet, confident, optimistic? Are you reliable, sympathetic, a good listener? If not what other qualities have you got? 2) What is your occupation? What does your job actually entail? Do you love it or does it bore you rigid? 3) What are your interests? Do you have any particular hobbies? Are you the outdoor type or you like to spend every night in front of the telly? Do you love or hate politics, football, pubs? Is religion an important part of your life? Do you belong to any particular groups, societies, clubs? Can you dance? 4) What sort of education have you had? What newspapers do you read? What sort of music do you prefer? 5) Are you financially secure? Do you own your own house? Can you drive? Have you got a car? 6) What are your likes and dislikes? Are you vegetarian, vegan, red-blooded carnivore? What sort of food do you enjoy? Can you cook? What is your ideal night out? What is your LEAST ideal night out? 7) Have you got a pet dog, cat, alligator? Do you like pets or hate them? 8) How do you feel about children? Would you welcome a partner's children into your life? Do you wish to have a family of your own in future? 9) Do you have a philosophy on life? Any hopes, dreams, ambitions for the future? What is your greatest success to date? What was your most embarrassing moment? 10) What sort of person are you looking for? How far would you travel to meet the right person? 11) And finally; UPLOAD A PHOTO or post one to us and we'll do it for you. A picture is worth a thousand words!! Good luck Laurie Bredbury Place a FREE personal ad the The Singles Club online dating agency